Portrait Photography at Sunrise: Complete Guide to Natural Light Portraits

young Girl Black and white

Portrait Photography at Sunrise: Complete Guide to Natural Light Portraits

I have a client for whom I shoot interiors, his daughter Ariadne is a budding actress. He decided it was time she got some professional images for her book.

We decided to start at sunrise… yippee… plus the clocks had just gone back so that was an hour less.

I woke up feeling very ‘fried.’  I got to sleep and then it seemed the alarm sounded.

I did a similar shoot a few months before so knew the ride there on a bicycle would perk me up.


Portrait Photography at Sunrise: Complete Guide to Natural Light Portraits

Barcelona early in the morning is not too bad and you get the sunrise over the beach which is usually worth seeing.

Just like last time we started at the beach gym near Barceloneta. 

There is a moment when the late night revellers make way for the gym bunnies. It seems almost furtive, the switch, the sun is still below the horizon. The party animals hang on a bit longer to see the sun and then disappear like the mist.

Ariadne is quite sporty so we started with her messing around on the equipment. It was still quite cold and I have to say I admired her fortitude.

It was one of those shoots where I knew we were getting some decent images. I liked how she could metamorphose from a kid to a young adult.

It was like photographing 2 different people. In a few months I think she will look completely different. maybe more work for me then!

As the sun rose the charm of the beach disappeared and we headed for somewhere with neutral backgrounds to try and get more studio like shots.

I, as always lit most of the shots. The sunrise often just needed a reflector for some fill. Sunrises are something I want to try and perfect. I may have to try and convince other clients to do the same. Just seeing myself type this is inexplicable!