An Anglo Irish Photographer based in Barcelona

I’m a professional, English and Spanish speaking photographer living in Barcelona, and working wherever it takes me.

Lee Harris in sun glasses

Hello, my name is Lee Harris


I am an Anglo-Irish photographer living in Barcelona, Spain. I have been working professionally for over 20 years and have lived in several countries during this time.

I am primarily a photographer of people, but I also love to do architectural/interior work. I know it is common wisdom to specialise, but I disagree. I think the best work comes when you are not always in your comfort zone; there is something about me that enjoys a little stress and excitement, it aids creativity no-end.

I love photographing people in environments and events. Apart from the traditional portraits I also enjoy sports-based work, which is often very dynamic and colourful. I relish the challenge of unknown spaces, and having to think on my feet. There is a great deal of psychology needed when dealing with people, it is perhaps the intellectual component, the tech should be the instinctive part if you want to get the best shots you can.

I also like writing, I have my blog and also contributed articles to the website PhotoApps.Expert about my experiences using Capture One Pro software.

I have recently set up a studio space that can be used for more formal types of headshots, this might be business profiles, CVs, or social media sites.

In the last few years, I have also started writing and shooting short films. A lot of my photographic shoots have also involved shooting videos for the clients, for example, interviews and events.

Get in touch with Lee Harris today!

If you have any questions please let me know.

I look forward to hearing from you.