Having worked with Lee on event shoots in multiple cities across Europe, I can confidently say he is creative, flexible, and professional. He’s able to put people at ease, thinks outside the box, and delivers excellent results. Stephanie Taralson, Central Europe Program Manager, Context Travel
An Editorial Photographer in Barcelona

Editorial photography in Barcelona
When I think of Editorial Photography I tend to think of environmental Portraits. Most of my work for magazines consists of photographing people in locations applicable to a story. I love this kind of work as you never quite know what you will encounter.Often having to think on your feet; the kind of stress that can really aid creativity.
I try to incorporate artificial lighting whenever possible in order to get a ‘look’ that is as distinctive and as striking as possible. I can usually get enough equipment in a large messenger bag and hop on a ‘Bicing’ (a type of official rental bike in Barcelona. I can get to most places within half an hour. The extra work is worth it. I see too many images in print that look like someone was thinking “how quick can I get this over and done with?”
This is not good. Whenever possible you should be capturing the image for yourself as well. If you are dealing with people you never know what will happen. The most mundane assignment can through up something special, because people will always surprise you.