Portrait Photographer in Barcelona

  Lee is passionate about shooting people and that played out in producing a number of shots I’ll be using for years to come. He’s also highly responsive and was able to accommodate my need for a quick turnaround. John Affeldt, Managing Attorney, Public Advocates Inc.

Portrait photography in Barcelona

People are in the end what photography is all about for me. If I was forced to choose just one field it would be one that involved photographing someone in some way or another. It is such a mercurial process and when you throw in the technical challenges of location, lighting, etc, you can never be complacent.

Photographing people in studio environments allows the luxury of much more control over lighting true. But people tend to be less relaxed.  So the whole process is, at times, more psychological, rather than just a technical ones. If you are messing around with the lighting too much you are almost certainly going to lose the connection with your subject. Studios should be your own space. You most likely have total control and all the equipment you need. So, no nasty technical issues.

I am often surprised at how exhausted I can feel after a day doing head-shot sessions.  It’s the mental exercise of chatting, trying to read them. Searching for the certain something that ‘clicks’.Makes them forget the somewhat clinical atmosphere of the studio environment.

I have recently found a new space that is perfect for this kind of work. I can now feel much more comfortable offering this as an option to clients without concern of excessive overheads. This could be good year for Lee Harris, Studio Photographer!

Portrait photography work

Interested in having a professional portrait done?

If you have any questions please let me know.

I look forward to hearing from you.